Adult Ministries
St. Peter offers a variety of Bible studies for both men and women. Everyone is welcome to come and join in the Bible studies and fellowship. Study times, locations and contact information are listed for each group, or you can contact the church office for more information.
Adult Sunday School Class
Adult Sunday School classes are held every Sunday starting at 9:15 a.m. in the chapel. Everyone is welcome to come. Prayer Shawl Ministry
A "prayer shawl" is a handmade garment made by someone who prayed during the creation process. The creator prays for God's blessing and comfort on the recipient of the shawl--even if we don't know who that might be. You can learn more about prayer shawl ministry at St. Peter's Prayer Shawl ministry is open to any knitter or crocheter who loves to share her/his creations with others. We make prayer shawls to give away to women, men and children who are going through a difficult time or who are grieving a loss. Although most of our work is done on our own, we gather on the 2nd Saturday of each month (Sept - May) to fellowship, pray, and knit and crochet together. Knitters and crocheters of all levels are welcome to come. If you know someone who needs the comfort of a prayer shawl or want more information about this ministry, please contact the church office. Men’s Bible Study
The Men’s Bible study and breakfast meets on the second Saturday of each month from August to May. The group starts their meeting at McDonald's at 8:00 a.m. for breakfast and continues at the church around 8:45 a.m. for Bible study. Men of all ages are welcome to join in the fellowship and study. We always welcome new men and their thoughts on the books studied at these meetings. If you have any questions, contact Chuck Hemenway or the church office for more information. Christian Day/Night Service This group meets on the third Wednesday of each month. Day meets from 9 am-1 pm. This group puts quilts together and work on Lutheran World Relief kits.They finish their morning with a pot luck lunch at 11:30 am. Night meets from 6-7:30 pm starting the evening with a potluck supper finishing the evening tying quilts. |
Women's Bible Studies
Women's Day Study meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 9am in room 206 at St. Peter. They will be deciding on a discussion topic when they meet again in September. Women's Evening Study will take place on the 4th Thursday of the month. In 2022-23 they used a bible study from the Women of the ELCA resources called “I AM SHE”. This is how the resource describes the study, our mission statement calls us to act boldly. What does this mean? It means a variety of things, for boldness has a range of voices. Some is bright and loud. Some is firm and quiet. Do you know what is your “best bold”? This program will help you discover it and put it into action! So boldly claim your boldness today, declaring, “I am she!” There are copies of the study on the women’s table next to the elevator. Altar Guild
It is a privilege to prepare the sanctuary for the celebration of Holy communion. We serve as a form of praise to God and an expression of our gratitude for all He has done and is doing for us. Serving generally involves one general meeting each fall to go over any concerns and to organize the schedule for the coming year. Two members serve each month, working together on Saturday to prepare for communion for the Saturday evening and Sunday morning services. We welcome anyone who would like to serve in this ministry. For more information, contact Cindy Thayer or the church office. |